Image Atlas of the Spanish Society of Neurology

Within the members of the ad hoc Committee on Experience, the idea arose of being able to gather a collection of images of all kinds that could precisely reflect their experience over many years of professional activity. This initial idea has led to a broader project, not only retrospective, to archive material from the past, but also prospective and open to all SEN partners to save contributions that may arise in the future.



The main objective is to offer all SEN members the possibility of archiving in an orderly and useful manner their own images that they consider worthy of preservation.


The material can be historical ("the SEN and its partners in images") or also have an educational interest.


The Board of Directors of the Spanish Society of Neurology has created an Iconographic Atlas that is incorporated as an Official Electronic Organ to the Museum and Historical Archive of the SEN.
All members can send their contributions either in digital format or in another format (slide, photograph, X-ray) that will be digitized by the MAH staff.
Digital images must be sent in TIFF or JPEG format and will be of good quality and resolution.
The author will be the owner of the image and in the case of reproducing an identifiable patient, he must be in possession of the consent signed by the patient accepting its dissemination. Otherwise, the image will be anonymized.
Each image will have a caption explaining its content.
A database will be filled with each image that allows its coding and recovery by different fields (author, disease, content, etc.).
The Advisory Committee will have the authority to accept or not the image based on its quality and content.
The Advisory Committee may request the opinion of outside experts to assess each image.


If you wish to donate historical material, please contact us

Contact us

- by email:

- by post: Spanish Society of Neurology’s museum and historical archive (MAH SEN)

Casp, 172, 1A | 08013 – Barcelona


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